Collected: $0
Goal: $1000
I am a disabled single(separated) Mom, 55 yrs old with a 14 yr old daughter. I am about to lose my home to foreclosure and have been advised that filing for Chapter 13 Bankruptcy is the best way for me to go. I also need to seek help in filing for a legal separation from my husband ( who I remain married to only for health insurance)so that the court can order him to give me a decent amount of child support and alimony, as I am no longer able to work. He gives me what he feels is a fair amount, but is less than 1/4 of his monthly income. He is a 100% disabled Veteran with PTSD and receives disability from the VA and from Social Security. We lived together until my daughter was six yrs old, but his drinking, leaving for days at a time, verbal and mental abuse, all started taking a toll on my health,and I refused to have my daughter grow up in that kind of environment. I have been pretty much raising her on my own. My husbands behavior is erratic and I fear telling him about the legal separation.